Moving 999 Bitcoins After 10 Years😯

Good Morning

Bitcoin is chilling, Ethereum is rising, some alts are popping, and some dogcoins are exploding.

And Netflix announced that they will livestream the fight between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul on July 20. 😅

Today on Go Brrr Newsletter:

  • Moving 999 bitcoins after 10 years

  • Magic Eden users get an air drop (how to claim it)

  • What are Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PSBT)

  • 4 things you should know, today

Btc & Eth price

Moving 999 bitcoins after 10 years

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An ancient Bitcoin wallet woke up from its sleep.

It stretched its virtual arms and said:

"Time to cash in, baby!" 🥳

$67 million worth of Bitcoin decided to take a stroll to Coinbase.

This wallet is like the Indiana Jones of cryptocurrency, resurfacing after years.

The owner probably forgot they even had Bitcoin back in 2010. But who knows for real?

BTW, a quick reminder: Bitcoin was launched in 2009. 😅 

Hodl — Diamond hands

They held onto their Bitcoin like it was the last piece of pizza at a party.

From 30 cents to $65,000?

That's the kind of investment strategy that wins you a medal.

They probably dodged a lot of "sell now" advice along the way. 😁 

But why now?

There is a ton of speculation on Crypto Twitter (— aka nobody knows):

  • Sending to Coinbase doesn't always mean selling — could be prepping for a loan (picture the interest).

  • Some say that the NSA has been in the mining craze since the beginning, so it’s time to cash in some bucks (where the money printer at?)

But, most importantly: why would you sell before the halving? 😊 

Magic Eden users get $N F T air drop (How to claim it)

Magic Eden

Magic Eden twitter post

Heads up! If you've been trading Bitcoin Ordinals on Magic Eden, you're in for a treat with an upcoming $NFT token airdrop.

Everybody loves airdrops, right?

— Who doesn't love ‘free’ money.

Well, it’s not entirely free, you must do some things in exchange.

But those things are somehow ‘doable’.

If you’re an Ordinal lover..

(and I know we have a few subs),

then this is for you.🟠 

You know Ordinals, those digital artefacts that live on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The who and what?

  • Magic Eden and Non-Fungible DAO are throwing a surprise party, and you're invited! The gift? The shiny $NFT token, coming soon to a wallet near you.

Who gets it?

  • participate in trading Bitcoin Ordinals on the Magic Eden platform.

    This includes buying, selling, or swapping Ordinals.

  • during your trading activities, make sure to use MSigner, a tool developed by Magic Eden for signing Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PSBTs).

  • this will be applied to past, present, and future operations!

A community is currently being built around this token, and you have the opportunity to be a part of it.

Crypto communities are the best hangout places. It’s about the culture.

💡 What are Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions

A Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) is a Bitcoin standard for transactions that are not yet fully signed, allowing multiple parties to easily sign the same transaction.

  • it’s like a group project for a Bitcoin transaction.

  • imagine you want to send some Bitcoin, but you need help from a few friends to get it done.

  • each friend adds their part, like signatures or other important info, but it's not complete until everyone has done their bit.

Here’s an example of PSBT 👇

If Alice, Bob, and Charlie collectively own bitcoin locked in a 2-of-3 multisig address, the bitcoin needs signatures from 2 of the 3 individuals in order to be spent.

The PSBT standard facilitates the cooperative construction, transfer, and signing of such a transaction.

Animation: How PSBT work

Animation: How PSBT work

If you’d like to know more, I recomand this article.

4 things you should know, today:

Meme Of the Day

MEME of the day

MEME of the day

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