πŸ–¨οΈ Pastor turns holy water into a $1.3M crypto wine

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Today, I found a funny story about a pastor.

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Colorado pastor turns holy water into a $1.3M crypto wine

So, we've got this pastor from Colorado, right?

Goes by the name Eli Regalado.

He decides to delve into the holiness of crypto world.

His divine choice? INDXcoin.

Divine because apparently God was his financial advisor.

He tells his Christian community, "Invest in INDXcoin, and you'll be wealthy beyond your dreams."

And boy, did the faithful sheep!

They raised $3.2 million!

It's like the water and wine miracle, but with crypto.

But 1.3 million ends up in the pockets of Eli and his wife.

When asked about the hefty sum, Eli comes out clean.

Says, "Oh yeah, that $1.3 million? We pocketed that. Half of it went to the IRS."

He adds, "And a few hundred thousand? Used for a home remodel. The Lord told us to do it."

I wish the Lord would have a chat with my landlord.

Mr GoBrr

Meme Of the Day

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